Sunday, February 22, 2015

Failing At Rapping Continued (Series 3-4)

Here's another rap again. I guess advising you to not read this thing won't do any good. So whatever. It's the same introduction, but then it's the third and fourth series. If you would like to see the first and second series, they are the last post I did. The next post I will do will probably be the fifth and sixth series, then the seventh and eighth. Anyway, I hope you guys like these raps, even though they fail!

Doctor Who
A show
There are many Doctors who
Are usually never a blow

Image Courtesy By: BBC

Series Three
Starts with Ten again
The bride doesn't seem to be
Okay with the strain

Then comes Jones
Just a normal doctor
She helps to mend bones
Until the Aliens come

Witches are real
In Shakespeare's world
We'll hear The Doctor squeal
At the sight of something new

So many News York
Has a new danger
The Face Of Boe helps
Until The Doctor sees something stranger

Daleks are back once again
Making hybrids of people
Disagreeing Daleks, seems kinda plain
Will the world turn out as a cripple

A potion to turn young
An old guy is a youth
Can The Doctor stop him among
All of the chaos

Forty-Two minutes
Until death awaits them
Can they answer the questions
That will decide their fate

The Doctor is a human
To hide from aliens
He falls in love
And saves the others

The Doctor is now gone
But he gives advice
Do Not Blink
Not even for a second

Going to a Utopia, maybe
Trying to save men
In the future
It is not what it seems

The Master is here
The sound of drums
Martha disappears
Despair for the others

Martha returns
With some hope
While The Doctor
Turns back and saves

Image Courtesy By: Eye Of Horus

Series Four
Starts with Ten 
On Christmas Day
With the Titanic

The Adipose
A pill to lose weight
Say hello, to Donna
She is back once again

With Donna
They go to Pompeii
The Doctor saves others
That he remembers to this day

The Ood are being sold
To those that can pay
With much gold
The Doctor helps

Present time
There is much trouble
Martha calls
So The Doctor hustles

Aliens try to rule
The World
Martha tries to help
The Doctor save the World

With Donna and Martha
The Doctor goes to Messaline
There is the daughter 
Of The Doctor

To a party
The Doctor and Donna go
There are a series of murders
As well as robberies

Silence in a library
Counting the shadows
Is their best hope
Including River Song's

The Doctor and Donna
Want to relax
At the planet Midnight
But the copycat stops that

Is the right decision
The right or left turn
Donna gets in trouble
While Rose never learns

Daleks once again are back
All the companions
Try to help out 
But The Doctor regenerates

Through the regeneration
The Doctor stops the Daleks
Donna absorbs time energy
Then gets her mind wiped

Goodbye to the old Doctor
Goodbye to Donna
Next is series five
With the Tenth

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Failing At Rapping (Series 1-2)

As the title says, here's the long awaited rap. 
This rap will be on the first two series or seasons. The next post will be on the third and fourth series. 

Well, I can't rap. (TRUST me, I've tried.) So... Save your self and skip this post please.

Maybe I'll just rhyme....

This is going to be bad....

Please. If you're still reading...

Go away.


I'm begging you.

Skip this post and move on to the next...

You can save yourself now!


Again, please.

Save your self.

I'm begging you.

*Sigh* No preventing you from reading this now is there?

Image Courtesy By: Mashable
Doctor Who
A show
There are many Doctors who
Are usually never a blow

Series One
Starts with Nine
Meeting Rose seems to be fun
Until the mannequins align

Traveling to the end
They meet Cassandra
Trying to mend
The mess they saw

Going home
There has been trouble
Slitheen have hidden, and roam
The Doctor goes through the rubble

Then in SLC Utah
Darleks have been stored
One thinks he's in the Time War
And feels very ignored

Going back to the future
To Floor 500 we go
Adam gets in trouble
The Doctor then says no

An anniversary then comes up
Rose goes to see her dad
They all get in trouble
But later, things seem rad

World War Two
Is a mess
The Doctor has no clue
But nanogenes are a yes!

Games on the floors
Seem very dangerous
But wait, just look around those doors
The atmosphere is rather spacious

Bad Wolf comes into play
Warning Rose of the future
The heart seems rather okay
But a regeneration occurs anyway

Series Two
Starts with Ten
In battle he blew
He lost his arm then

Down to New Earth
Cassandra causes trouble again
However for what it's worth
Cassandra won't come back

Queen Victoria from England
Then decreed
To found Torchwood
The Doctor is not what they need

School in the present
Isn't so bad
The food just has a weird scent
To make children smarter

A girl in a fireplace
Why didn't she burn up
It was to violate
This lady's space

Upgrades are a go
Voluntary or not
Humans fall in tow
Will The Doctor save this lot

The Wire is bad news
Stealing faces
Is someone going to sing the blues
Take away these cases!

A weird planet
Full of Ood
Does it take granite
To stop the rude

Those who know The Doctor
Have meetings to discuss
What's going on
The disappearances are a fuss

Children go missing
It's the Olympics,
Where is the haunting
The fears are the witness

Ghosts appear in London
No doubt danger along the way
There are more than a dozen
Daleks are in the fray

Rose comes back
Causing a breach
The space is bigger than a crack
Rose is gone, no matter how far they reach

Anyway, even though you went against my advice, and read this rap(ish..More like sort of rhyming).

Please tell me what you thought, what I can do better, and if I should do another one. This is only the first four series (or seasons), so I am already thinking about another rap with the other six as well anyway.

Monday, February 9, 2015

My Opinion? Who Would Want To Know That?

So, my last post was basically a summary of each of the seasons from the ninth Doctor on, just to jog your guy's memories, so the rap that will be coming will make a little more sense. (I really doubt it will make any sense anyway, but whatever.)
This post is a one sentence summary on the season and my opinion on what happened.

Image Courtesy By: Con & Bust
Season 1:
The Doctor meets Rose Tyler and they both almost die.

Christopher Eccleston wasn’t a bad actor, but he was a harsh Doctor. I liked the story with Rose, and how she meets and begins to love The Doctor. However, the Bad Wolf scenario, in my opinion was a little over the top. 

Image Courtesy By: Geekypictur

Season 2:
The Doctor and Rose Tyler love each other, and again almost die while meeting with Torchwood and the impossible to kill Jack Harkness.

I liked this season because it showed the struggled that Rose had with The Doctor’s regeneration. I liked the Torchwood arch as well. Later on, how they interweave Captain Jack Harkness into the story is amazing. 

Season 3:
The Doctor travels with Donna Nobel and Martha Jones and then encounters The Master.

I liked Donna Nobel and her story. The way she was going to marry some lunatic and there was a big giant spider like thing trying to kill them, yeah. It was cool. My favorite part on this arc was how Donna helped save The Doctor by stopping him when the alien was dying. The part with Martha Jones was good too. However, having her travel the world looking for “parts of a weapon” to kill The Master, but really just spreading a word, I think was a bit much for this episode.

Season 4:
Rose Tyler tries to get back to her original world, and Donna Nobel is The Doctor's companion again.

This season seemed like a bit much. To me, it seemed like there was a lot going on. Many of The Doctor’s companions helped out, as well as having Rose Tyler looking for a way to get back to her parallel world. However I did like meeting the Doctor’s Daughter, Jenny

Image Courtesy By: Tali K.'s Yard
Season 5:
The Doctor and Amy Pond with the crack in the wall.

I liked this season, but not as much as others. The entire time, The Doctor is with Amy or Rory Pond, and helping them out in some way. I did like the crack in the wall idea, but it seemed a little over the top as well. Also the fact that that The Doctor sacrificed himself, but Amy saved him was also a little big. 

Season 6:
Image Courtesy By: Fanpop
The Doctor figures out River Song is Amy's daughter.

One question, why does everything have to be so big around Amy? First the crack, time, and now in this season the baby and River. By this time, I got a little sick of Amy and Rory being around on the show. They just spend so much time with The Doctor, it got kind of annoying to me. 

Season 7:
Amy and Rory died, while later The Doctor sacrifices himself at Trenzalor to defeat the Daleks.

Personally, I was glad Amy and Rory died. It was sad, but really? Did they have to stay as long as they did? I liked the beginning of Clara and how they had already started to think about interweaving her into the show before the first episode she appears. The way that the Christmas special was laid out was really good though, and a great ending for Smith as The Doctor. 

Season 8:
Image Courtesy By: Movie Plot
Clara doubts who The Doctor is and travels with him even though she is advised against it.

At first, I really liked this new Doctor. However, as the show went on, it got a little annoying to how strict he was. Also, the fact that Clara doubted The Doctor, his regeneration, and his personality change was a bit strange. Clara is the impossible girl that went through The Doctor's timeline to save him. Wouldn't she know about his personality and physical changes better than anyone?

Anyway, I hope this cleared up anything you nonexistent readers didn't remember. I'll post next week with my rap! By the way, it totally fails! GO ME!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Want To Refresh?

Hello my nonexistent readers! How are you doing?…..No response….Yeah. I figured that. Anyway, before I get to that rap… That some of my friends (and family) told me to do, I thought I would refresh everyone’s memory on the Seasons (or series, whatever you call them) starting from the Ninth Doctor. Then give my opinion on all of the seasons, that way the rap makes a little more sense? Maybe? Not going to make sense anyway? Okay, well that’s fine. Personally, I have been working on the rap, and it doesn't even make much sense to me....So that's a fail...But hopefully it will turn out to be okay. So anyway here's your refresher!

Season 1:
Christopher Eccleston is the actor for The Ninth Doctor. This whole season is about the travels with The Doctor and Rose Tyler. The main story arc was Bad Wolf, and this season was the first to introduce Captain Jack Harkness. The season ends with The Doctor’s regeneration to the tenth Doctor. 
Image Courtesy By: BBC
Season 2:
The Tenth Doctor is played by David Tennant. The whole season is on Torchwood and the love between The Doctor and Rose Tyler. This season also showed how Captain Jack Harkness became unable to die and some old companions came back to help out.
Image Courtesy By: Screen Rant
Season 3:
This season is continued to be acted by David Tennant. The season starts out with Donna Nobel leaving, telling The Doctor that he needs a companion so he has someone to stop him from being so reckless all the time. The next companion is Martha Jones, and the main story arc is The Master.
Image Courtesy By: On The Record
Season 4:
This is the last season played by David Tennant. This season starts with Titanic and it mainly consists of having Donna Nobel as a companion yet again. Martha Jones is also one of The Doctor's companions and travels with him. The main story arcs are having Donna as a companion again, the disappearance of bees, and Rose Tyler trying to get back to her original parallel world. This is also the season where we meet the Doctor's Daughter.
Image Courtesy By: Doctor Who TV
Season 5:
This season now has The Eleventh Doctor acted by Matt Smith. The main story arc is Amy Pond and the crack in her wall. The season ends with The Doctor sealing himself in the crack to destroy it forever, and Amy bringing him back to travel with him yet again.
Image Courtesy By: Beaucoup Pop
Season 6:
Still played by Matt Smith, this season is all about River Song and her true identity, the silence, and the apparent death of The Eleventh Doctor. The season started out with the blue envelopes and the astronaut, and ended the same way. 
Image Courtesy By: BBC America
Season 7:
This is they last season with Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor. The season is mostly about The Doctor revealing his real name so that the other Time Lords can cross the crack in the wall. This season ends with The Doctor at Trenzalore and sacrificing his last regeneration to destroy the Daleks. However The Doctor gets a new set or regenerations from the Time Lords (really just a way for the show to keep going).
Image Courtesy By: Wikipedia
Season 8:
The first season where Peter Capaldi plays as The Doctor. The main arc this season was Clara and her difficulty in staying with The Doctor this whole time. The season begins with the TARDIS being eaten by a Dinosaur, and ends with Danny Pink (Clara's Boyfriend) dying and The Master returning with a new regeneration. 
Image Courtesy By: Cult Box in UK
Anyway, I hope you liked these summaries. I'll post my opinion and then a rap on these seasons, or series (whatever you call them), soon!