Tuesday, November 25, 2014

The Best Companion? Part Two

Okay. So I didn’t finish who the best companion was on my previous post. The post was getting a little long, so I cut it short. Here's the rest. I hope you enjoy, and again DON'T read the post if you are NOT CAUGHT UP on the new seasons and episodes so far.
(Here's the list of all the companions again if you missed it in my last post.)

Don't say I didn't warn you. SPOILERS! I LOVE THEM!

Alright let's go!

  •  Martha Jones was only with The Doctor a short time. However she could easily be viewed as the best companion. Has anyone ever considered she is the only to actually say NO to traveling with him after a few adventures? Clara came close to not traveling with The Doctor anymore in season eight, but never quite made it. Martha is a great gal that balances The Doctor out really well while also saving his life a couple of times. In my opinion, she should have stayed on the show longer. 

Image Courtesy By: The Visibility Project

  •  Jack Harkness. Where to begin with Jack Harkness. Jack Harkness, in my opinion, is not a very good companion. He is one of the main companions, and is in touch with The Doctor his whole life (until his death as The Face Of Boe). However he is out outgoing and doesn't follow The Doctor's orders even when they are necessary. He is a good character and contributed a lot to Doctor Who though.
Image Courtesy By: Doctor Who Companions

  •  Amy Pond knew The Doctor her whole life. He showed up at her doorstep when she was a little girl, and she knew and spent time with The Doctor until she died of old age having Weeping Angels feeding off of her energy. Amy in my opinion relied on The Doctor her whole life. She didn't really do anything much on her own. However Amy Pond was a good companion by sticking to The Doctor's side and being supportive. She's also a good companion because she turned out to be The Doctor's parents in law which was a surprise to a lot of people. 
Image Courtesy By: Wear Pink Wednesdays

  •  Clara Oswald is The Doctor's current companion. She is one of the few that went through one of The Doctor’s regenerations. When you think about it, not many of the companions don’t get to know The Doctor as more than one person. Clara was one of these, Rose was another. This could show that Clara is one of the best companions, but the fact that she has been saving him his whole life could be another. Clara was the one companion that scattered her timeline to save The Doctor, and that is why she kept reappearing in so many different scenarios. 
Image Courtesy By: BBC
There are a lot of different companions. They differ in personality, ability, and contributions to the show. Every companion contributes something to Doctor Who, and it is impossible to say that one is the best over the others.

Overall, The Doctor has had many great companions that were amazing in the show. Some should have stayed on longer, but they were all pretty good companions. 

I hope you liked these posts, and please suggest other things I could post on in the future!

Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Best Companion? Part One

I did a poll a little while ago, asking what I should do after season eight. I had other seasons, the best companion, and a rap for what I should do next. The rap was the one to get the most votes. However, I have absolutely NO IDEA how to start it... So this one's going to be first. Sorry guys. Anyway, I will do the rap, maybe a poem, sooner or later.

Also, don't read this post if you haven't watched season eight. SPOILERS!

Moving on.

There are many debates on what companion in Doctor Who is the best. I personally love Donna Nobel. However, many of the companions could be fitted for the best. All of them together can be said to be the best. None of them could be the best companion, because they each have their own qualities that are needed for a companion, and are missing others.

I love Donna Nobel as a companion, because within the 9-12 Doctors, she is the first one NOT to fall in love with the Doctor. Clara Oswald, the current companion, has not fallen in love with the Doctor, but she is probably the one who knows the Doctor the most by traveling through his timeline and views him as a friend. Also Clara had Danny Pink. She fell in love with him, now that he's gone, it is POSSIBLE that she will fall in love with him.

Many of the companions could be the best over all. Here is a list of the MAIN (not all) companions starting from the 9th Doctor with reasons why. (Here's a list of ALL the companions sorted by Doctor)

  •  Rose Tyler could be viewed as the best by being the only one the Doctor loved back. She sacrificed herself to save the Doctor, and is now stuck on a parallel world with a replica of the Doctor that is part human. She was also very brave to help The Doctor back. The Doctor made her go back home, and the whole time she was there, she tried to take herself back to The Doctor. Rose Tyler was also the person who started Bad Wolf.

Image Courtesy By: Amber's Blog

  •  Donna Nobel could also be the best by not falling in love with the Doctor. Donna is also the one that made the half human Doctor. The Doctor Donna, the Donna Doctor. The names are kinda easy to mix up. Donna was also the companion with The Doctor at Pompeii. Pompeii is now famous for The Doctor having the same face as someone he saved from the eruption.

Image Courtesy By: Star Of Davida
This post has gotten pretty long, so I will continue the companions with my next post.
If you want to say anything about any of the companions, feel free to do so in the comments below. 

Death In Heaven

Continuing from the last episode, Dark Water, Missy is still trying to kill the human race with new Cybermen made from Earth's dead. Missy is captured and is put in a plane with the people in charge of overseeing the abnormalities that goes on in London. and The Doctor. However, Missy gets out and the plane goes down.

Seriously. It almost seems like everything in the universe wants to kill the human race sometime or another. Why don't they just give up already? WE SURVIVE EVERY TIME.


The Doctor saves himself by calling his TARDIS to himself while falling out of the plane. Once down on the ground, The Doctor goes over to Clara who is in a graveyard surrounded by Cybermen that aren't completely 'programmed' yet. They are Cybermen that just walk mindlessly around. 

Image Courtesy By: CDN
Clara, while The Doctor and everyone else was on the plane, was taken to this graveyard and saw Danny Pink. Danny Pink, the dead boyfriend, the one Clara loves the most. He had chosen not to get rid of his emotions and give in to the people in control. He is a Cyberman that can still feel emotions, in The Doctor's words, "He's a freak". 

Clara is trying to decide whether or not to help Danny by getting rid of his emotions. Danny came to Clara asking for help to take them away, Danny can't handle his own emotions. 

...So he basically asked his most loved one to take them away. The one person that probably loves him more than anyone else. 
Doesn't that sound wrong to anyone else reading this????!

Continuing on... The Doctor doesn't want to get rid of Danny's emotions, however he does need to know Missy's plans. (As if they aren't predictable already.) Danny is not able to access the plan unless he is completely linked in to the others. He won't be linked in without getting rid of all his emotions.

So it's all up to Clara. She decides something that will destroy her for the rest of her life. She chooses to delete Danny's emotions.

The Doctor is then asked by Missy to be in charge of the Cybermen. To have his own army to control and get rid of all the 'evil' in the universe. He declines saying that anyone with that much power, will become power hungry.

The Doctor then throws the command bracelet to Danny. He is in charge of all of the world's dead, all of the Cybermen.

This episode was really upsetting in the fact that Clara became heartbroken yet again. It seems like every time she goes and does something with the Doctor, something bad happens. This is a heartbreaking, (almost for me-) tear bringing episode. I totally recommend watching this episode. 

Post what you thought about this episode in the comments below!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Dark Water

The question on if time lords can switch genders has been answered!!!!


This episode has been great. The previous episode, "In The Forest Of The Night" as I said was not the best episode. However, this episode greatly balances it out.

In the beginning of the episode, Clara is talking to Danny on the phone. She tells him that she loves him. Not just saying it, really loves him. Danny, walking in the street, replies but gets hit by a car. He doesn't make it. Danny is now officially dead and not part of the show anymore.

Clara, upset by this new tragedy, tries to get the Doctor to create a paradox and save Danny. She steals all of his TARDIS keys, and 'pretends' to throw them into a volcano. She pretends to do this by getting the Doctor into a fake sleep, so it looks like the keys are being destroyed but they aren't really.

The Doctor goes along with this plan, and all the keys are destroyed. The Doctor wanted to see how far Clara was willing to go to save Danny. It turns out that it is pretty far. Anyway, they go to where Danny is, and talks to some people to try and get Danny out of heaven/hell (where ever he is).

During all of this, you see Danny in heaven/hell and his troubles. He is told to sign a contract saying he will give himself over to  the people running the place he will be staying. It turns out that the contract is a contract to become a Cyberman. The person in charge, is taking Earth's dead and turning them into Cyberman. It turns out that the person in charge is Missy, or dare I translate, The Master regenerated as a woman.
Image Courtesy By: Nouse TV Reviews
I really liked this episode. It answered one of the long time questions, was exciting, and kept you on your toes. More had happened after what I talked about, as also shown in the picture. However, I have already spoiled enough of this episode, in my opinion at least. If you want to know what the public thought of the Cybermen wandering around their streets, or how the Doctor tries to stop The Master/Missy, watch the episode. You won't be disappointed.

Click here if you want to know more about Cybermen!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

In The Forest Of The Night

A forest appears in the middle of London, and throws the Doctor off. The Doctor gets to the middle of London, and is concerned there is something wrong with his TARDIS because he is in the middle of a forest. Then he is confronted by a young girl who tells the Doctor that Clara told her to find him and that he really is in the middle of London.
Image Courtesy By: Spoiler TV
This young girl is they key to finding out why there is a forest, what is coming, and how to stop it. Such a big task to give a young girl. 

It turns out that the forest it there to stop a huge solar flare. The extra oxygen that the trees provide will act like a cushion for the earth, and protect it. 

This episode is amazing to see how much humans depend on oxygen. We use oxygen to breathe and keep ourselves alive. Trees, plants, flowers, they all turn the carbon dioxide that we exhale back into oxygen that we can use again. It is almost unbelievable to me. I am always shocked to find relationships like these, they almost seem unreal or unbelievable to me. 

Anyway, there are also a few other kinda major things that happened in this episode. When Clara and Danny finally met up with the Doctor, Clara jumped right into working with the Doctor again without a second thought. This was very strange to Danny. Given that Clara told him she wasn't going to travel and be with him anymore. 

This episode, in my opinion, wasn't the best in the season. Probably the worst yet. Honestly. All of the other episodes were exciting, revealing, and they got me excited to watch the next episode. This episode was plain in comparison to those. It still was a really good episode, and I don't regret watching it. However if I had to pick a favorite of this seasons' episodes, this episode would be at the bottom of the list.

What do you think about it? Comment below. 

Monday, November 3, 2014


Claustrophobic? Especially if it’s just thinking about something getting smaller? I hope not. At least for this episode.

The Doctor's TARDIS got smaller. But it didn't. Confusing right? The outside of the TARDIS shrunk while the inside powered down and stayed the same size. 

Image Courtesy By: Warped Factor

The only question is... Why?

A new alien has appeared on Earth, and this time it wants to understand the human race and the 3D concept. They start testing on people, and kill them because of this. This testing effects the TARDIS and it's cloaking / sizing properties. 

Clara is mostly on her own. She has to figure out what is happening to the recently, and curiously, deceased. She finds out that the alien is 2D and is trying to grasp the concept of 3D. They move in the walls and floor, experimenting on humans. 

This episode is great at showing how far Clara is willing to go to keep traveling with the Doctor a secret from Danny Pink. She is trying to escape from one of these new species, and Danny calls. She desperately tries to seem normal and point out that everything is okay, but Danny still suspects something.

This episode is also really good at showing how much Clara has grown with the Doctor. She is able to keep calm and take charge of the situation even though the Doctor isn't there to help, just giving a few hints while he tries to figure out what is wrong with his TARDIS.

Personally, I don't think that this is a great episode. Definitely not the best one in the season so far, but it still is a good episode to watch.

Also, I placed a little poll on the side of this blog. If you could take a second to vote on what I should write about after season eight, that would be awesome. Thanks!